Private Game Info

**New fee changes for 2024**

Private groups are Field Ammo Only. (You are required to purchase our ammo at the field)

There is a $50 reservation fee for up to 20 players or $100 for over 20 players. This reservation fee is non-refundable if you cancel for any reason. At the time of your event, the fee becomes a credit to you for use at your event. **(for the $100 fee, if you end up with fewer than 20 players, we keep $50 and you still have $50 credit to use at your game)**

***New Timeframes for private groups – 2022**

Due to government mandated restrictions on gatherings, we must slightly change our usual timeframes on private games until further notice.

We are still able to hold private games as usual. You can call to check available dates/times at 541-409-0511. Also, make sure you have an online waiver filled out ahead of time. Minimum of 4 players to reserve


Masks and guns will be sanitized ahead of time and will only be used once per day. You must make sure you keep your issued rental equipment for yourself, we cannot allow you to switch among your group for health & safety reasons. Rental gear will only be used once per day and will be sanitized again at the end of the day. If you or anyone in your group develops a dry cough, shortness of breath, or a temp of 100.4+ we ask that person to stay home. We all need to have fun but also need to stay healthy. Have fun, be safe, stay healthy.

Day/time slot
**New Timeframes for 2022**
4-5 paid players, gets 1 hour time slot (approx. 3 ten minute games)
6-10 paid players, gets 2 hour time slot (approx. 4-5 ten minute games)
11+ paid players, gets 3 hour time slot (approx. 6-7 ten minute games)
**New for 2024**
Private groups are Field Ammo Only. (You are required to purchase our ammo at the field)
$30 field fee with own equipment
$45 for Airsoft rental package
    (includes AEG replica, Hi cap mag, battery, mask)
$60 for Upgraded airsoft rental package
    (includes AEG replica, 4 mid cap mags full of bbs, vest with mag holders, replica sling, thermal mask)
$45 for Standard Paintball rental package
    (includes Tippmann FT12, air tank, mask)
$60 for Upgraded Paintball rental package
    (includes Planet Eclipse Emek, air tank, mask)
$10 each for mask, air tank, chest protector, or battery rental
Regular paint pricing

$19 per bag 5000 bio .20 gram BB’s

Summer hours:  9am to 4pm
Winter hours: 9am to 3pm
Please call for availability or to make a reservation 541-409-0511

The Swamp, Paintball, Airsoft, & Gellyball field